Root Canal Tooth Crown – Understanding the Procedure and Benefits

A root canal tooth crown is a dental procedure that is performed to save a tooth that is infected or damaged. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth and then filling and sealing the tooth. A crown is then placed over the tooth to protect it and restore its function.

What is?

A root canal tooth crown is a type of endodontic treatment that is used to save a tooth that has been damaged or infected. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth and then filling and sealing the tooth. Once the tooth is cleaned and sealed, a crown is placed over the tooth to protect it and restore its function.

Why is Necessary?

A root canal tooth crown may be necessary if a tooth has become infected or damaged. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as a deep cavity, a cracked or broken tooth, or injury to the tooth. When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or damaged, it can cause severe pain, swelling, and even fever. A root canal tooth crown is necessary to remove the infected or damaged pulp and save the tooth from further damage.

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How is Performed?

The procedure for a root canal tooth crown begins with numbing the tooth and surrounding area with a local anesthetic. The dentist will then make an opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canals. The infected or damaged pulp is then removed using small instruments. The root canals are then cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a special material. Once the root canals have been filled, a temporary crown is placed over the tooth. The temporary crown is typically replaced with a permanent crown made of porcelain or ceramic.

What are the Benefits of?

The main benefit of a root canal tooth crown is that it saves a damaged or infected tooth from extraction. The procedure also eliminates the pain and discomfort associated with an infected or damaged tooth. Additionally, a root canal tooth crown restores the function of the tooth, allowing you to eat and speak normally. Furthermore, it can also improve the appearance of the tooth, as the crown can be customized to match the color of your natural teeth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a root canal tooth crown procedure take?

The procedure typically takes one or two appointments to complete. The first appointment is to clean and fill the root canals, and the second appointment is to place the permanent crown.

Will I experience pain during the procedure?

Local anesthetic will be used to numb the tooth and surrounding area, so you should not feel any pain during the procedure. You may experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure.

How long does a root canal tooth crown last?

With proper care and maintenance, a root canal tooth crown can last for many years. However, the lifespan of the crown can vary depending on factors such as the location of the tooth and your oral hygiene habits.


A root canal tooth crown is a common dental procedure that is performed to save a damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth, filling and sealing the tooth, and then placing a crown over the tooth to protect it and restore its function. The benefits of a root canal tooth crown include saving the tooth from extraction, eliminating pain and discomfort, restoring the function of the tooth, and improving the appearance of the tooth. If you think you may need a root canal tooth crown, it is important to consult with your dentist.

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